Prosperity Practices shows how subtle differences in your attitude, turns of phrase and interactions with others can make changes in your life.
It is divided into four chapters – Attitude of Gratitude, The Power of the Word, The Gift of Giving and Let it Grow – and includes a broad scale of practical applications that can help you to live a better life, from manifesting financial prosperity, and realising your self-worth, to letting go of negative energy and improving your engagement with others.
Exercises range from 10-second mantras and simple rituals that will easily fit into your daily routine, to more ambitious 40-day practices.
Through his own lived experiences, Remington Donovan shows how easy it can be to switch your mindset into something prosperous for your mind, body and soul.
Numerology – A Beginner's Guide to the Spiritual Significance of Numbers explores everything from karmic and life path numbers, to how to incorporate lucky numbers into everyday life.
Numerology is the study of numbers and their repetition, in order to interpret their relation and relevance to our lives.
Ranging from 0–11, each number has a specific meaning, and by adding up the numbers of a specific date, you will come to a number within that range that can then be interpreted – think predictions of character traits based on birthdays, charts for the weeks, months and years ahead.
With Remington Donovan's accessible, fun and vibrant guidance, Numerology opens your eyes to the importance of numbers in everyday life.